The Dance Factory, Inc
"It's about so much more than dance"
Celebrating 47 years of dance education!
Registration for the 2025-2026 Dance Season will open March 1 st!

Frequently Asked Questions
1. What Classes do you offer and when?
We are extremely proud to offer Tap, Ballet, Jazz & Contemporary.
Classes are Tuesday through Thursday beginning after school and evenings.
2. What are the ages and necessary experience needed to attend?
Classes range from ages 2 1/2 (must be completely potty trained) & Up.
Levels of classes are set by age and number of years a child has taken dance.
We have beginner through advanced.
It is invaluable to place your child where they will be the most successful.
3. How does the school year run and what type of commitment is expected?
The DF offers a curriculum that consists of 30 lessons which begins Tuesday after Labor Day and ends with the annual recital performance which is usually the 3rd or 4th weekend in May.
Class attendance is vey important for a young dancer's progress. Excessive absences can affect your dancer. Your commitment to our program is expected to continue through the end-of-year recital.
4. How will I be kept informed of information about my child?
We begin each season with an informative parent meeting where we will go over the DF Handbook distributed at registration.
Additional information will be provided to parents as necessary.
Information is also on our website www.dancefactoryinc.com or you can contact us dancefactoryinfo@gmail.com
Make sure we have your e-mail address. Communication at the DF is imperat....help us keep you informed.
5. Is there a dress code?
Black leotard and pink tights for girls.
Black shorts and white t-shirts for boys are the standard classroom attire.
6. Do you have a recital or performance?
Yes, the children and teens have a beautiful and exciting show to display what they have learned all year and to perform their routine(s).
We want all dancers to participate, however the performance is optional.
7. Can I watch my child in class?
In early spring our parents and families are invited to observe classes.
Classes are closed during the rest of the school year to help teachers keep the dancers focused.
A closed-circuit television is located in the studio lobby and is for parent viewing at the teacher's discretion.
8. How do I register?
You can register every Saturday in August from 10am to 2pm at the studio.
You can also download the registration form from our website, click on the Classes and Tuition page.
There is a yearly, non-refundable $35.00 registration fee which guarantees placement for your child in the DF dance education program.
9. Do you have adult classes?
As a matter of fact, we do!
We offer Adult Tap classes for the young at heart...Our oldest student is 79 years young! Adult Tap is a wonderful way to excercise without knowing it...working an entirely different muscle group from your normal exercise routine!
We offer adult competition teams as well! For more information on our Adult classes, call us and one of our helpful staff members can assist you!
10. If I transfer from another studio what do I need to do?
At registration, speak with a staff member about the number of years your child has taken classes and arrange for an assessment of your child's dance experience. Sometimes an audition may be necessary.